
Técnica a la hoja suelta  

Puerta de santuario (puerta original)

120 x 37 x 33 cm (hoja izquierda)
122 x 3395 x 65 cm (hoja derecha)
Provenance. Village of Boboshvice, Körce, siglo 18

Esta entrada que consta de seis partes muestra mediante imágenes el proceso de dorado y policromado de un iconostasio, inspirado en el original de la puerta del  santuario de la Villa de Boboshtice, Körce (Albania), datada en el siglo XVIII.

Significado de Iconostasio: Del gr. bizant. εἰκονοστάσιον eikonostásion.
m. Es una pared que va desde la parte septentrional (norte) a la meridional (sur) en un templo ortodoxo y en la cual, en un  orden específico,  se   colocan los iconos; aisla el presbiterio y su  altar  del resto de la  iglesia y es el rasgo distintivo  en los templos ortodoxos.

Loose leaf oil gilding technique
Sanctuary door (original door) 

120 x 37 x 33 c, (left leaf)
122 x 3395 x 65 (right leaft
Provenance. Village of Boboshvice, Körce, 18th. century

The gold wood-carved decoration of the sanctuary door, with winding tendrils ending in trefoils and flowers with twisted colonnettes amongst them at the archways, recalls works by Epirot woodcarvers of the 18th century.

Part of the decoration of the sanctuary door consists of the embossed circles of the haloes, commonly found in icons fron north-Greek workshops.

In the top zone, the Annunciation and prophets are depicted in the arched openings. On the unrolled scrolls held by the prophets Solomom an David, passagges relating to the Virgin and de Incarnation are written with no great claims to correct spelling: Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. (Proverbs 31, 29) and Hearken, o daughter, and consider, and incline thine ear (Psalm 45, 10). The angel, with a wide vigorous stride, offers a lily to the Virgin, who is depicted standing in a posture of acceptance. 

In the bottom zone of the sanctuary door, the Three Hierarchs and Saint Spyridon are depicted in arched openings. It is worth noting the striking similarity between the movement clothing and even the flower of the angel on the present sanctuary door with the corresponding...

1. Puerta original

2.- Boceto a lápiz, oro líquido  y acrílico s/papel vegetal:

3.- Talla en madera de pino realizada por J.M.Jurado, soporte del trabajo de dorado y policromado:

 4.- Imprimación con cola de conejo sobre la talla en madera:

Continúa en Iconostasio-2
To  be continued on Iconostasio-2


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